Full Disclaimer
Please make yourself familiar with our website disclaimers:
Medical Dislaimer
As a condition of your use of our website careaboutlittleones.com and its subpages (“this Website”), including but not limited to our learning platform https://learning.careaboutlittleones.com, and our youtube channel, you understand and accept that neither this Website, nor Health4You London ltd, nor its affiliates nor its users are engaged in rendering medical, healthcare, counselling or other professional services or advice.
The information (including but not limited to all information contained in blog posts, texts, articles, videos, audio files, downloadable pdf files, graphics as well as in any products and services, both free and fee-based) offered on this Website (collectively, “the Information”) is for educational and informational purposes only. We neither provide any medical services nor any services related to health care and / or nutrition to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any kind of medical condition or physical ailment! Where we use examples of how certain tips, exercises, treatments or tools have helped other people, we do not imply that these tips, exercises, treatments or tools will work for you in the same way.
We do our best to provide accurate general information. However, the Information is neither intended to diagnose, cure, treat, mitigate or prevent any disease, nor to substitute for professional advice from a qualified healthcare provider nor to recommend any particular form of treatment, exercise, procedure nor to recommend anything else. We also do not warrant that the Information is free of any errors or omissions. The Information has neither been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), nor by any of their foreign equivalents. The Information has also not been evaluated by medical doctors, including obstetricians or other medical professionals, such as midwives or nurses. Therefore, you should neither rely on the Information as a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider nor should you disregard, avoid or delay obtaining such professional medical advice based on the Information. We are no medical doctors. Always consult a medical or health professional for your particular needs and for your particular case before making any medical or health-related decisions and before you apply anything that is mentioned on this Website. All exercises, positions, treatments and dietary changes are potentially dangerous, and those who do not seek personal counsel from an appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur.
If you are concerned about your own health, your pregnancy, your labor or the health and well-being of your child, always seek professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider, particularly before making a decision to start any new treatment or to take any product!
No Information on this Website should be used to diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any disease or condition under any circumstances. The use of the Information is solely at your own risk!
Testimonial Disclaimer
We regularly post testimonials of other users on our website careaboutlittleones.com and its subpages (“this Website”) and in our online ads. When you read a testimonial on this Website or in our online ads, please be aware of the following:
(i) Testimonials, reviews and other user feedback which we publish on this Website or in our ads reflect real life experiences of users of our products and/or services. However, the results obtained by these users are not necessarily typical and therefore, they may vary, particularly because each case is individual. We do not claim and you should not assume that any result obtained by other users is typical or representative of what other users of our products and services may experience. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else using our products and/or services may experience. Moreover, the people who have provided us with a testimonial may have been compensated with a discount when placing an order on this Website, except where people have attended our offline courses in London.
(ii) All testimonials, reviews and other user feedback which we publish on this Website or in our ads are given verbatim. However, some testimonials may have been edited for clarity, corrected for grammatical or typing errors or shortened in cases where the original testimonial included extraneous information of no relevance to the general public. Health4You London ltd is not responsible for opinions or comments posted on this Website and we do not necessarily share the comments, opinions and views of the users of this Website or of our pages on Social Media. All opinions expressed are strictly the views of the poster or the person who reviews our products and/or services. All testimonials, reviews and other feedback which we publish on this Website or in our ads are reviewed for authenticity before they are posted for public viewing.
(iii) Testimonials, reviews and other user feedback on this Website or in our ads are neither intended, nor should they be construed, as claims that the products and/or services which are mentioned in these testimonials, reviews and other feedback are intended to or can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease. No testimonial, review or other user feedback has been clinically proven or evaluated and no medical claims whatsoever were made and no statements on this Website or in our ads have been evaluated by the FDA or EMA or any of their foreign equivalents.