Home Remedies For Baby Constipation (Guide 0-24 Months)

Table Of Contents
Suitability Of Home Remedies For Baby Constipation
Baby Massage Techniques For Baby Constipation
Classic Baby Massage Treatment
Baby Reflexology
Warm Bath
Fruit Juice For Constipated Babies
Fruit Juice For Constipated Babies: 0 – 6 Months
Fruit Juice For Constipated Babies: 7 – 12 Months
Fruit Juice For Constipated Babies: 13 – 24 Months
What Kind Of Fruit Juice Can I Offer My Baby For Constipation?
Foods To Relieve Constipation (From 6 Months Of Age)
Glycerin Suppositories (Not A Natural Remedy!)
Can A Mother’s Diet Help With Baby Constipation?
When To See A Doctor?
Summary & Conclusion
The problem with many home remedies for baby constipation is that not all of them are equally suitable given a baby’s age.
Because of that, many parents have tried various home remedies for baby constipation without success. Others did have success, but then their baby often ended up developing other digestive issues, like diarrhea.
So, what are the best home remedies for baby constipation? In brief, the best home remedies for baby constipation are
- Baby massage treatments (given that you apply the right techniques)
- Exercise
- Warm bath
- Hydration
- Fruit juices
- Foods
- Glycerin suppositories (however, this is not a natural home remedy for baby constipation)
In this blogpost, I provide an overview of natural home remedies for baby constipation, including their pros and cons. Moreover, I explain why not all remedies are equally efficient and, in particular, suitable given a baby’s age. And finally, I provide all information required to help you pick the right home remedy baby constipation given your baby’s age (0-24 months).
So, let’s get into it!
Before we start, here is an important note!
I know that it is tempting for parents to look for answers to their questions online. However, please keep in mind that information online can only serve as an approximate guide.
If you are having any doubts about the well-being of your little one, please book a physical examination with a doctor who will be able to assess your baby’s individual case!
Suitability Of Home Remedies For Baby Constipation
Since this is a longer blogpost, I start with a quick overview of the overall suitability of each method discussed in this blogpost before we look at the details – just in case you do not have much time.

The “overall suitability” is an index which was defined based on three factors:
- The effectiveness of each remedy (10 out of 10 points for remedies which work fast and reliable)
- The suitability of a remedy given a baby’s age (10 out of 10 points for remedies if they can be applied no matter the baby’s age)
- The potential side effects of each remedy (10 out of 10 points for remedies which do not have any potential side effects)
The 3 scores were then summed up for each remedy. In other words, each remedy can have a score of 30 points at most. That score then defines the “Overall Suitability” of each remedy (yellow line).
Example: exercise
Exercise is a great home remedy for constipation. It got 10 points each for “suitable age” and “no potential side effects”. That’s because it can be applied at any age (0-24 months), plus, there are no potential side effects of exercise.
However, in terms of its effectiveness, “exercise” only scored “7” points. That’s because exercise for babies is not as effective for constipation as it is for grown-ups. Moreover, it can take time for the desired effect to “kick in”.
As you can see on the chart, some home remedies for baby constipation clearly score higher than others. And I am going to explain why in just a minute.
Moreover, there is only one home remedy which scored 30 out of 30 points: baby massage techniques. Because of that, we’ll start with baby massage techniques as we go through the list of home remedies for baby constipation.
Baby Massage Techniques For Baby Constipation
As an acupuncturist I firmly believe that the best (natural) treatment that you can get for a constipated baby is acupuncture. If done well, it will usually almost immediately trigger bowel movements in your baby.
However, I realize that acupuncture is not always an option. First of all, you cannot do it yourself at home (at least not with needles). And second, it would be too costly to see an acupuncturist every time your baby shows signs of constipation.
So, this is, why apart from acupuncture, I consider baby massages as the most effective home remedy for baby constipation. If done correctly, you can achieve the same results with a baby massage as you would normally do with an acupuncture treatment.
In fact, over the past couple of years, I have hardly done any acupuncture treatments on constipated babies myself. Instead, I have focused on teaching their parents how to massage their babies.
This makes total sense, since, constipation in babies is a common thing. And chances are that your baby will get constipated not just once, but on a regular basis.
However, not every baby massage technique is equally effective. This is particularly true if you want to help a baby with specific baby-related issues, like constipation. So, let’s have a look at various baby massage techniques:
Classic Baby Massage Treatment
The classic baby massage treatment consists of stroking techniques only. Such techniques can help with mild forms of baby constipation. However, since they do not include the stimulation of acupressure points, they are often not that effective. But again, it totally depends on the severity of the case.
Baby Reflexology
Baby reflexology is a much more efficient way to relieve constipation compared to a classic baby massage treatment. The stimulation of acupressure points on the feet aims to balance the baby’s digestive system. This will usually be sufficient to help a baby with constipation.
And yes, baby reflexology is a home remedy! Everyone can learn the basic reflexology techniques to balance a baby’s digestive system within minutes!
If you are interested, sign up for my free baby massage course! In this course, I teach you a combination of classic baby massage techniques and reflexology. I also teach you how to stimulate acupressure points for a wide range of other typical baby-related issues.
With that said, if you are only looking to help your baby with constipation, focus on the reflexology part of the course. That’s part 5 of the course: “massaging the baby’s feet”.
Although Shonishin consists of baby massage techniques, it is technically a form of pediatric acupuncture. However, without using needles. Because of that, Shonishin is the most efficient of all baby massage techniques according to leading experts in the field.
It does not only involve the stimulation of acupressure points by means of the so-called “tapping technique”. It also includes the stimulation of entire meridians thanks to the “stroking technique”.
In case you are not familiar with Eastern Medicine: meridians are invisible channels which run through the baby’s body. They supply the baby’s organs with the energy which has been extracted from food by the stomach and spleen. Since each organ is related to a specific meridian, we can (positively) influence that organ by stimulating the related meridian.
Because of that, relieving constipation in a baby is quite easy with Shonishin.
Note that Shonishin was developed in Japan in the 17th century. It is much easier and faster to apply than other baby massage techniques. This fact can prove useful, if your baby is very active. That’s because active babies make it almost impossible to apply classic baby massage treatments or reflexology.
Moreover, Shonishin is very easy to learn, which makes it the perfect home remedy for constipation. In other words, you do not have to be a practitioner to be able to apply this baby massage treatment. In fact, over the past couple of years, I have mostly focused on teaching parents Shonishin.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of Shonishin for baby constipation, please check out the Shonishin baby massage for constipation course page!
Suitability Chart Index Of Baby Massage Techniques: 30/30
On the suitability chart, baby massage techniques scored 30 out of 30 points. That’s because they have major advantages over other home remedies for baby constipation:
1 Baby Massage Techniques Are Highly Effective
Although the effectiveness of baby massage treatments differs based on the kind of baby massage technique that is being applied, they are the most effective home remedy for baby constipation. That is particularly the case for techniques which involve acupressure points, as it allows you to specifically address the issue of constipation in the baby.
However, the key here is: you have to know what you are doing. If you don’t, the treatment won’t have any effect.
2 No Potential Side Effects
Moreover, baby massage techniques do not have any potential side effects. That’s of course, unless you give your baby an unreasonable number of treatments each day.
3 Suitable For All Ages
Baby massage treatments can be applied to babies of any age. For other home remedies for baby constipation, this is not always the case.
For example, if your baby is, say, a 1-week old newborn, you cannot just feed her prune juice if she is constipated. Her digestive system would not be able to absorb the high amounts of fructose contained in prune juice. As a result, you would do more harm than good.
Baby massage treatments, on the other hand, are suitable for all age ranges. For example, it does not matter if your baby is a 1-week old newborn or an 18 months old toddler.
4 Easily Include Baby Massage Treatments Into A Daily Routine
Finally, baby massages can be conveniently included into daily routines! By applying them regularly, they are not only a means of relieving constipation. They can even help prevent constipation in the first place!
Something which I recommend to all my constipated patients, no matter their age, is exercise. It is a wonderful home remedy for baby constipation, because it “gets and keeps things moving”.
And it is easy too: if your little one can walk already, encourage her to walk! You could do this by engaging her into games, like a ball game, for instance.
If your little one can crawl, but not yet walk, make her crawl!
I used to do this with my own son. I put him 3-4 feet away from me, and then encouraged him to crawl to his mom. It works perfectly – unless they have other things on their mind of course 😉 .
If your little one cannot yet crawl, put her on her back! Grab those little feet and gently simulate bicycle movements.
Most babies find this relaxing too and it is a wonderful exercise to be included into a daily routine. Moreover, it is not only a way to relieve constipation, but also to get rid of excess gas in her belly.
Note that exercise can often be sufficient to trigger bowel movements. Also, if done regularly, exercise can help prevent constipation in first place.
Suitability Chart Index Of Exercise: 26/30
On the suitability chart, “exercise” scored less in terms of its “effectiveness”. That’s because exercise to relieve constipation is not as effective in babies as it is in grown-ups. Moreover, it can take time for the desired effect to “kick in”.
On the other hand, it received full points for “suitable age” and “no potential side effects”, because like massage treatments, exercise can be applied at any age and does not have any side effects.
Warm Bath
This is a method which has been recommended to me by a mother of twins. She told me that whenever her boys are constipated, she gives them a warm bath. She claimed that that usually helps trigger their bowel movements.
Three years later, I can confirm that many parents who have followed the same advice, were able to help their children with constipation naturally.
The reason why this simple baby constipation home remedy can work so well, is related to the relaxation of the so-called anal sphincter muscles. These are muscles at the end of the rectum. They surround the anus and control the release of stools.
A scientific study confirms that a warm bath has a relaxing effect on these muscles (1). The scientists of that study even tested different water temperatures. 40 (104), 45 (113) and even 50 (122) degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit), with sessions being not longer than 10 minutes. They concluded that the higher the temperature of the bath, the better the effect.
With that said, please be aware that, if you give your little one a warm bath, the water temperature should never exceed 35 (95) to 37 (98.6) degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit)! Always measure the water temperature with a baby bath thermometer! Such thermometers can be bought online and are quite cheap!
Suitability Chart Index Of Warm Bath: 24/30
On our suitability chart, “warm bath” scored high on “suitable age” and “no potential side effects”. That’s obvious, since this home remedy can be applied at any age and has no potential side effects.
However, it scored less in terms of its effectiveness. That’s because it will only work if the baby’s constipation is caused by the fact that her anal sphincter muscles are not relaxed. However, when it comes to babies, there are usually other reasons for them to get constipated.
Still, it is a natural home remedy which you should definitely try!
Dehydration is a major cause of constipation. It is often caused by triggers like extreme weather conditions, sickness and medications. It is therefore important to make sure that your baby is always sufficiently hydrated, particularly if she is constipated.
Hydration Of Babies Whose Diet Is Based On Milk Only:
If you have not introduced solids yet, your baby is supposed to receive all the fluids that she requires from either breastmilk or formula milk. Therefore, there is usually no need to give her additional water.
However, if dehydration is the cause of her constipation, then giving her additional water could solve the problem. This is particularly true if there are extraordinary circumstances (like for example extreme weather conditions or diarrhea), which have caused her dehydration.
Hydration Of Babies Whose Diet Either Consists Of Milk And Solids Or Solids Only
Once you have introduced solids, initially, your baby will often be on the “constipated side”. It comes naturally, because the digestive system is not yet used to solid foods. Giving her additional water can often solve the problem, because it “gets things moving” and helps with the digestion of the foods.
Choose Water Over Fruit Juice!
Unfortunately, many parents believe that their baby will automatically drink more, if they feed her fruit juices. While this may be true, the problem with fruit juices is that they contain lots of sugar.
Sugar is a bad idea, particularly if your baby is younger (i.e. less than one year of age). At such a young age, sugar is a great burden for the digestive system (more on fruit juices later in this blogpost). Because of that, water is to be favored over fruit juices – always!
Be Careful With The Amount Of Water You Feed Your Baby!
With that said, if your baby is less than 1 year old, be careful with the additional amount of water that you feed your baby. According to pediatrician James P. Keating, retired medical director of the St. Louis Children’s Hospital Diagnostic Center, it is important that you limit the amount of water intake of your child, if it is younger than 1 year (2):
According to Keating, drinking too much water can be fatal for your child, if it is under 1 year old, and particularly if it is under 9 months old. That’s because water can dilute your baby’s normal sodium levels.
Suitability Chart Index Of Hydration: 20/30
Because of Keating’s concerns, “hydration” scored slightly less on “potential side effects” (8 out of 10 points).
Moreover, hydration can be a difficult task if you are breastfeeding your baby (i.e. if your baby is younger).
First of all, you do not really have control over how much your baby is drinking. And second, you cannot “force-feed” your baby just to get her hydrated. Because of that, “hydration” only receives 6 out of 10 points on “suitable age”.
In terms of its effect, “hydration” is an important contributor to a flawless digestion. As such, it is important to avoid constipation. However, if your baby is already constipated, it may take time for hydration to work before you can see any results. That is why it scores 7 out of 10 points on effectiveness.
Fruit Juice For Constipated Babies
There are tons of websites on the internet, which promote fruit juice as a relief for constipated babies. But unfortunately, giving your baby fruit juice is not as harmless as it seems. That’s particularly true if your baby is younger than 12 months of age!
Here is what you need to know:
The American Academy of Pediatrics (3) does NOT recommend introducing fruit juices into the diet of babies who are younger than 12 months of age. That’s because of the high carbohydrate content of juice (11-16%). It can cause what is called “carbohydrate malabsorption” in babies.
At that age, your baby’s intestines are too immature to absorb the high amount of sugars contained in fruit juices. (4).
The problem is that if carbohydrates are malabsorbed in the small intestines, they are subsequently fermented by bacteria in the colon, resulting in both gas and possibly diarrhea (5; 6).
Some scientists even found that malabsorption of carbohydrate from juice, especially when consumed in excessive amounts, can result in chronic diarrhea, as well as, flatulence, bloating, and abdominal pain (7).
From my own experience, I can confirm those scientific results. It is not uncommon for babies, approximately up to 12 months of age, to develop diarrhea from fruit juices.
Of course, one can say that, in so far, fruit juices do work as a natural home remedy for baby constipation. However, you risk that you just replace one gastrointestinal problem (constipation) by another (gas, diarrhea).
If you still want to go ahead and give your baby fruit juice as a remedy against constipation, consider the following guide:
Fruit Juice For Constipated Babies: 0 – 6 Months
If your baby is younger than 6 months of age, she should not be fed fruit juices. Period. As explained above, at that age, their intestines are simply not mature enough.
They would not be able to cope with the high amounts of sugar contained in fruit juices. Instead, it would most certainly cause other gastrointestinal problems like bloating, diarrhea and others.
Moreover, keep in mind that you risk having juice replace breastmilk or formula milk in the diet. That’s simply because your baby may favor the sweet drink. According to scientists this can lead to a reduced intake of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals such as iron, calcium, and zinc (8).
Breastmilk or formula should be the only thing that you feed your baby at that age. And as long as there are so many other effective home remedies for baby constipation, there is no need to feed her fruit juice at that age.
Fruit Juice For Constipated Babies: 7 – 12 Months
Once you have introduced solid foods the digestive tract of your baby is a bit more developed. With that said, it is still far away from what it eventually will be capable of.
Therefore, fruit juices should still just be the exception at that age. They should only be offered in very small doses as a means to relieve constipation – if at all!
But here is the good news! Since she can now eat solid foods, you may offer her fruits instead of fruit juices!
Fruit juices have a disadvantage over the whole fruit. They contain much less fiber than the whole fruit (3). For example, 4 apples contain approximately 15 grams of fiber. If you use them to make apple juice, you will hardly be able to find any fiber remaining in that juice.
So, mashed or pureed fruits are a much better alternative compared to fruit juices. They are particularly powerful for baby constipation, if you leave the skin on.
Nevertheless, keep in mind that some fruits contain lots of sugar too! Because of that I have dedicated an entire blogpost to this topic. You can read more here: Baby Foods That Help With Constipation
Fruit Juice For Constipated Babies: 13 – 24 Months
Once your baby reaches the age of one year, her intestines are much more able to absorb carbohydrates. Nevertheless, it is recommended to limit the amount of fruit juices to 4 ounces (120 ml) per day, which is considered appropriate by the American Academy of Pediatrics (3).
As mentioned earlier, the main reason for the Academy to recommend a limitation of fruit juices is their high levels of sugar. “High intakes of juice can contribute to diarrhea, overnutrition or undernutrition and the development of dental caries. The dilution of juice with water does not necessarily decrease the dental health risks”. (3)
Therefore, encourage your toddler to eat fruits instead! However, go for fruits which do not contain too much sugar. Read my blogpost “Baby Foods That Help With Constipation” to find out more!
What Kind Of Fruit Juice Can I Offer My Baby For Constipation?
If you decide to offer your baby fruit juices, go for juices whose concentration of fructose equals the concentration of glucose!
Scientists have found that fructose in fruit juices can be much more efficiently absorbed if glucose is present. This is the case for white grape juice, for instance (9).
If the fructose concentration exceeds the concentration of glucose, the carbohydrates from the juice are more likely to be malabsorbed. And as discussed earlier, malabsorbed carbohydrates can cause diarrhea. Examples of such juices are apple juice or pear juice.
However, when provided in appropriate amounts (not more than 10 ml (0.34 ounces) per kg body weight per day), such juices can be absorbed equally well (10).
To summarize, if you must, try fruit juices whose concentration of fructose equals the concentration of glucose. A great example is white grape juice.
However, keep in mind that white grape juice does not contain sorbitol. Therefore, white grape juice might not work equally well for constipation as other fruit juices. Still, if that does the job, great!
Moreover, limit the amount of such juice to 10ml (0.34 ounces) per kg body weight per day at most.
And finally, keep in mind that although fruit juice may work well for constipation, the digestive problems of your baby could quickly turn into diarrhea, if your baby’s digestive system is still very immature!
Suitability Chart Index Of Fruit Juice: 17/30
Fruit juices can be a highly effective home remedy for baby constipation (thus the high score on “effectiveness”). However, they should not be introduced in babies of less than 12 months of age.
Moreover, they should only be fed in moderation to babies of 13+ months. That is why fruit juices receive a low score for “suitable age”.
And finally, fruit juices can have severe side effects, if their sugar is being malabsorbed by the baby’s intestines.
As a result, fruit juices only score 5/10 points on “no potential side effects”.
Foods To Relieve Constipation (From 6 Months Of Age)
As already mentioned, fruits are a better home remedy for baby constipation than fruit juices. So, once you have introduced solid foods, relieving constipation can potentially also be achieved by the right kinds of food.
To make things clear! Although sugar-wise, fruits can be a better alternative to fruit juices, some of them still contain lots of sugar. Feeding her too much sugar from fruits can lead to the same carbohydrate malabsorption as from fruit juices.
Because of that, I have dedicated an entire blogpost to “baby foods that help with constipation”. It includes a list of suitable baby foods, given a baby’s age. And it even includes recipes to give you some inspiration on how to prepare those foods.
Suitability Chart Index Of Fruits: 22/30
Foods, particularly fruits, are a highly effective home remedy for constipation. That is why they score high on “effectiveness”. However, they are not suitable for babies of all ages. That is why they only score 6 out of 10 points.
The low score for “suitable age” is related to the fact that the best working foods for constipation can have severe side effects. It is easy to overfeed babies with fruits.
And while they may work well, they often trigger other gastrointestinal problems, including bloating and diarrhea. Therefore, foods score less on “no potential side effects”.
Glycerin Suppositories (Not A Natural Remedy!)
If a baby is severely constipated, many parents make use of glycerin suppositories for rectal introduction. To be clear: they are not a natural remedy and I do not recommend them at all! However, their advantage is that they can work fast. And so, they can help with baby constipation if nothing else has worked.
With that said, please get in touch with a pediatrician, before using them! In fact, many pediatricians do not recommend using them on babies of less than 12 months of age. Because of that, it is vital that you ask a pediatrician first so that they can assess your baby’s case!
Moreover, they should only be the applied in emergency cases and not on a regular basis!
It is also worth noting, that they can have various side effects, like nausea, loose stools, rectal pain or burning. They can even cause rectal bleeding or severe stomach pain and cramping.
Therefore, if you use glycerin suppositories on your baby and she is experiencing any of these symptoms, immediately contact your pediatrician!
Again, personally, I do not recommend glycerin suppositories at all. So far in my career, I have not met a single infant who would have required glycerin suppositories for constipation relief. We have always been able to relieve constipation in natural ways.
Suitability Chart Index Of Glycerin Suppositories: 14/30
Since glycerin suppositories can work well, they receive a high score on “effectiveness”. However, as mentioned above, they can cause many side effects. That is why they only score 1 out of 10 points on “no potential side effects”.
Since they can have so many side effects, some pediatricians only recommend them from 12+ months. Therefore, they also score low on “suitable age”.
Can A Mother’s Diet Help With Baby Constipation?
Every now and then, mothers of constipated babies, who seek my treatment, ask me if there are particular foods, they could eat, to help their baby with constipation when breastfeeding them.
Unfortunately, there is not. In other words: it is not possible to help a breastfed baby with constipation through something that you eat.
A mother’s diet may influence the amount and kinds of nutrients in her breastmilk. And yes, indirectly, she may thus influence a baby’s health.
However, there is not really anything a mother can do apart from making sure that her diet is balanced and varied.
Conversely, if you are a smoker or drink more than 3-5 cups of coffee or glasses of Coke each day, you might want to consider reducing the amount of nicotine/caffeine and see, if it has any impact on your baby.
As explained in my blog post “What causes constipation in babies?”, so far, no scientific study has investigated, if either one of those two substances can cause constipation in breastfed babies when consumed by their mothers.
Still, a viable question to ask is, if those substances could cause dehydration in the baby and thus lead to constipation.
When To See A Doctor?
Here is a rule of thumb! You should always see a doctor, if you are having any doubts or concerns about the well-being of your little one!
Luckily, in my experience, constipation is almost never caused by some serious underlying problem. But it is always good to rule out a more serious problem or disease. And then you can start looking for alternative treatments and home remedies for baby constipation.
With that said, whenever I observe (one or more of) the following signs in my little patients, I tell their parents to go and see a doctor immediately:
- Blood in baby’s stool
- Rectal bleeding
- Simultaneous constipation and vomiting and/or fever
- Yellow or green vomit or spit-up
- No improvement whatsoever after trying various alternative treatments
Summary & Conclusion
In this blogpost, we went through various home remedies for baby constipation.
While there are many home remedies for baby constipation available, we have seen that not all of them are equally effective and, most importantly, equally suitable given a baby’s age.
We have also seen that the best home remedy for baby constipation are baby massage treatments. Although their effectiveness differs from technique to technique, if applied correctly, baby massage techniques can almost instantly relieve baby constipation.
Moreover, they can be applied to babies of all ages. And finally, they do not involve the intake of juices, foods or substances which can come with side effects.
(1) Shafik A. (1993): Role of warm-water bath in anorectal conditions. The “thermosphincteric reflex”. In: Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 1993 Jun; 16 (4): 304-8.
(2) James P. Keating, MD: Water Intoxication in Infants. (Accessed on 04/19/2019: https://www.stlouischildrens.org/health-resources/pulse/water-intoxication-infants).
(3) Heyman MB, Abrams SA (2017): American Academy of Pediatrics: Fruit Juice in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Current Recommendations. In: Pediatrics. 2017 Jun; 139 (6).
(4) Cochran WJ, Klish WJ. (1987): Treating acute gastroenteritis in infants. Drug Prot. 1987; 2: 88–93.
(5) Gryboski JD. (1966): Diarrhea from dietetic candies. In: The New England Journal of Medicine. 1966 Sep 29; 275 (13): 718.
(6) Lifschitz CH. (1996): Role of colonic scavengers of unabsorbed carbohydrates in infants and children. In: The Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 1996 Oct; 15 (5 Suppl.): 30S-34S.
(7) Hyams JS et al. (1988): Carbohydrate malabsorption following fruit juice ingestion in young children. In: Pediatrics. 1988; 82 (1): 64–68.
(8) Sigrid A. Gibson (1997): Non-milk extrinsic sugars in the diets of pre-school children: association with intakes of micronutrients, energy, fat and NSP. In: British Journal of Nutrition. 1997 Sep; 78 (3): 367-378
(9) Riby JE, Fujisawa T, Kretchmer N. (1993): Fructose absorption. In: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1993 Nov; 58 (5 Suppl.): 748S-753S.
(10) Lifschitz CH (2000): Carbohydrate absorption from fruit juices in infants. Pediatrics. 2000 Jan; 105 (1): e4.
(11) Holly Reiland and Joanne Slavin (2015): Systematic Review of Pears and Health. In: Nutrition today. 2015 Nov; 50 (6): 301–305.
(12) Lever, E., et al. (2019): The effect of prunes on stool output, gut transit time and gastrointestinal microbiota: A randomized controlled trial. In: Clinical Nutrition. 2019 Feb; 38 (1): 165-173.
(13) Lever, E. et al. (2014): Systematic review: the effect of prunes on gastrointestinal function. In: Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2014 Oct; 40 (7): 750-8.
Medical Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat or cure any disease! It is not personal medical advice. We recommend that you ask a doctor whenver you are looking for medical advice!
Nathalie Kaufmann
Nathalie is a pregnancy and birth Consultant and a TCM Therapist with almost 20 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture, reflexology, Shonishin baby massage techniques, Western and Eastern massage techniques (including TUINA), as well as herbal medicine and nutrition.
She has worked in hospitals across London and was Head of the Maternity Acupuncture Clinic at the Whittington hospital in London. Today, Nathalie runs her own practice in London and helps pregnant women with pregnancy- and birth-related issues. She also specializes in alternative treatments for babies and children.
Looking for ways to help your baby with constipation?
Check out our Shonishin Baby Constipation Massage Course and learn how to help your little one!
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