How to keep track of Baby’s Movements

If your baby is active in your womb, then it is a sign that your baby is well. Because of that, most doctors recommend counting your baby’s kicks from week 28 of your pregnancy onwards.
In this brief blog post, we want to explain how you can keep track of your baby’s movements with a very simple method called “Count-to-Ten” Method.
How to count your Baby’s Movements
First of all, count your baby’s movements at about the same time every day, when your baby is normally active. This is most likely the case after lunch or dinner.
Next, find a comfortable position and then time how long it takes your baby to move ten times!
What counts as Movement?
A movement can be short, such as a kick or a wiggle. But it can also be long, like a squirming motion. Count it as movement when it is followed by a clear pause. And just that you know: hiccups don’t count as movement.
Doing the Math
So, for example: You may find that the time of your baby’s first movement is at 6:20 pm. Continue counting your baby’s movements until you have counted ten of them. So it could be, that movement number 10 takes place at 6:35 pm. In other words, it took your baby 15 minutes to make 10 movements.
What to do with the Numbers?
Track your baby’s movements regularly (although you don’t have to do it EVERY single day)! Doing so will allow you to determine your baby’s normal pattern of movements.
Once you know that pattern, you can then detect changes of that pattern. For example: if it normally takes your baby about 10-20 min to make 10 movements, then you know that that pattern has changed when your baby suddenly needs 60 minutes to make 10 movements.
What if my Baby does not move at all?
If your baby does not move at all during the selected time frame, we recommend calling your provider! In addition, you can try the tricks that we propose in the video below!
Just keep in mind that your baby is supposed to move without external stimuli! So, it’s always better to call your provider!
When to call a Doctor
If your baby clearly takes a longer time than usual to make ten movements, if your baby does not move at least ten times or has an active period within the next 12 hours, please call your provider!
(1) Penny Simkin, Janet Whallet, Ann Keppler et al (2018): Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn: the complete Guide. 5th Edition. Parent Trust by Wahsnington Children. Hachette Go. IBN: 978-0-7382-8497-2
Medical Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat or cure any disease! It is not personal medical advice. We recommend that you ask a doctor whenver you are looking for medical advice!
Nathalie Kaufmann & Mathias Ritter
Nathalie is a pregnancy and birth Consultant and a TCM Therapist with almost 20 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture, reflexology, Shonishin baby massage techniques, Western and Eastern massage techniques (including TUINA), as well as herbal medicine and nutrition.
She has worked in hospitals across London and was Head of the Maternity Acupuncture Clinic at the Whittington hospital in London. Today, Nathalie runs her own company and helps pregnant women with pregnancy- and birth-related issues. She also specializes in alternative treatments for babies and children.
Mathias is a Researcher and Science Geek who holds two Master of Science degrees. He has been involved in several health-related businesses over the past 10 years and has held presentations about health-related topics across Europe. He specializes in research regarding pregnancy-, birth and baby-related topics.
Nathalie Kaufmann & Mathias Ritter
Nathalie is a pregnancy and birth Consultant and a TCM Therapist with almost 20 years of experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture, reflexology, Shonishin baby massage techniques, Western and Eastern massage techniques (including TUINA), as well as herbal medicine and nutrition.
She has worked in hospitals across London and was Head of the Maternity Acupuncture Clinic at the Whittington hospital in London. Today, Nathalie runs her own practice in London and helps pregnant women with pregnancy- and birth-related issues. She also specializes in alternative treatments for babies and children.
Mathias is a Researcher and Science Geek who holds two Master of Science degrees. He has been involved in several health-related businesses over the past 10 years and has held presentations about health-related topics across Europe. He specializes in research regarding pregnancy-, birth and baby-related topics.
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